DecentriTech Studios

About Us

Who are we?


Welcome to our game studio, where we don't give a fuck about corporate bullshit. We're a group of misfits who just want to make the sickest games possible, without any of the restrictions that come with being owned by some soulless corporation.

We don't give a damn about focus groups or market research. We're not interested in making games that appeal to the lowest common denominator or trying to appeal to some bullshit "target audience." We just want to make games that we love, and we hope you'll love them too.

We're not afraid to be edgy or vulgar, because that's just who we are. We're not interested in sanitizing our content or trying to appeal to some fake sense of "political correctness." If you're easily offended, this probably isn't the studio for you. But if you're down for some real, raw, unapologetic content, then you're in the right place.

So come join us on this wild ride. We can't promise that our games will always be polished or perfect, but we can promise that they'll always be real and authentic.

Our History

DecentriTech Studios was founded in 2022 by a small group of enthusiast who saw an opportunity to create something new in the gaming industry. They had a passion for invention and a desire to build something novel that would make a real difference in people's lives.

We believe a small group of talented individuals can achieve great things. From what started as one person with dreams of grandeur has started to prospered into a something amazing. We are currently a small group of 3 amazing individuals pushing the boundaries of what we once thought was impossible.